Policy Privacy

What personal information we collect and how we do it

The types of information we collect are: personal details anonymous activity-tracking data. Personal details may include name, address, email address, age, phone number and gender. Also, Our finacial affiliation of paypal e.t.c will handel financial information like credit card or bank account details that you provide when you make a donation. These financial details are not stored in our system. However, if you sign up as a regular donor, we need to save these details for the purpose of processing the periodic donations. In some specific cases (e.g. when you apply to become a Member or a Volunteer) we collect sensitive information, which is used strictly for the purpose it was collected. (Note: The privacy legislation considers sensitive information about peoples health, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, etc.) We collect anonymous data about visits to our website, like the number and frequency of visitors, the most popular pages and general traffic patterns. This is mainly aggregated statistical data and does not allow us to identify users. We also have access to statistical information related to our social media pages (e.g. Facebook). (Note: We may have access to some personal information of our social media visitors based on their security settings in the social media platform, based on its privacy policy.).

  • To follow a lawful commitment
  • To safeguard against lawful obligation
  • To safeguard and protect the privileges or property of undergroundfx.in
  • To follow a lawful commitment
  • To safeguard against lawful obligation
  • To safeguard and protect the privileges or property of Undergroundfxradio.com

The ways we collect information include:

verbally, either personally (e.g. you come to the station to make a donation) or over the phone (e.g. you win an on-air competition and provide your details to receive the prize) in writing (e.g. you send us a letter, fax or an email with your details) electronically (e.g. you fill an online form on the website or anonymous information gathered with cookies see below)..

When you provide personal details verbally or in writing, we transfer the relevant details to a database in our system. In doing this, we apply internal procedures that ensure we maintain the privacy of the information provided. When we collect personal information electronically (e.g. when you fill out an online form) the transfer of information to our database is carried out automatically without human intervention. In general (TBC), the path from your computer to our system is securely encrypted. (Note: We use Secure Socket Layer or SSL encryption.) We collect anonymous website activity using cookies attached to the browser you use to access our website. (Note: A browser is a program in your computere.g. Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorerused to access internet websites. A cookie is a small data file that is downloaded and stored in your machine or portable device that lets our digital service store information.) Most browsers allow you to manage cookies based on your preferences. You may set your browser to prevent the installation of new cookies, and you may delete existing ones. Please refer to the help area of your browser for instructions on how to do this. Please note that in some instances avoiding cookies may mean you will not be able to take full advantage of the website services..

How we protect your personal information

We only use your personal information for the particular purpose you provided it. In some cases, we may use it also to send you periodic updates about UndergroundFX. Otherwise, we will not use or disclose your personal information without your consent, unless there is a duty to the public to disclose that information, we are required to by law, or where the interests of UndergroundFX require disclosure. We store personal information in an in-house database system, which is protected from external unauthorised access by robust security technology. Internal access to the information is restricted to need to know personnel. At any stage, we may need to use third-party providers (for normal operation and contingency storage) to host some or all of our systems. These providers may have technical facilities in countries other than Australia. We will endeavour to use providers whose privacy policies are compatible with ours. When you access our social media pages, you are protected under the privacy policy of that platform (e.g. Facebook), not by this policy. You should review your security settings and ensure that you are comfortable with any disclosure of information allowed by such settings. You should note that these social media platforms would possibly store their systems outside Australia. You should also note that articles published on our websites may contain links to third parties websites. If you click on such links and are transferred to another website, you will need to refer to that other partys privacy conditions as this privacy policy will no longer apply.

How you can access your personal information

At any time you can request access to the personal information that we hold about you. You may simply want to check it, and if appropriate make corrections to it, or you may want to let us know of the change. For example, you may opt-out of receiving one or all of our communication services at any time. You can contact us by: email: phone: (X:XX am to X:XX pm on business days) mail:

How you can obtain a copy of this Privacy Policy

You can contact our Privacy Officer (see above). We will be happy to send a copy free of charge to your email, fax or postal address..